


花香 🌸玫瑰、茉莉、薰衣草、百合、牡丹
柑橘香 🍋檸檬、橙子、葡萄柚、佛手柑
水果香 🍎蘋果、桃子、漿果、熱帶水果如芒果和鳳梨
草本香 🌿薄荷、羅勒、迷迭香、百里香
辛香 🌶️肉桂、丁香、肉荳蔻、荳蔻
木香 🌲雪松木、檀香、松木、廣藿香
泥土香 🌱苔蘚、香根草、新翻的土
美食香 🍫香草、巧克力、焦糖、咖啡
海洋香 🌊海風、鹹水、海洋調
綠色香 🍃剛割的草、綠葉、小黃瓜


What are the different types of scents in the world?

Scents can be broadly categorized into several groups, each evoking different feelings and memories. Here are some common types of scents:

  1. Floral 🌸: Rose, jasmine, lavender, lily, and peony.
  2. Citrus 🍋: Lemon, orange, grapefruit, and bergamot.
  3. Fruity 🍎: Apple, peach, berry, and tropical fruits like mango and pineapple.
  4. Herbal 🌿: Mint, basil, rosemary, and thyme.
  5. Spicy 🌶️: Cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, and cardamom.
  6. Woody 🌲: Cedarwood, sandalwood, pine, and patchouli.
  7. Earthy 🌱: Moss, vetiver, and freshly turned soil.
  8. Gourmand 🍫: Vanilla, chocolate, caramel, and coffee.
  9. Oceanic 🌊: Sea breeze, saltwater, and marine notes.
  10. Green 🍃: Freshly cut grass, green leaves, and cucumber.

These categories can overlap, creating complex and unique fragrances that are used in perfumes, home scents, and personal care products.

By catsheue
